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Peace like a river, not a pond!

Do you have peace like a river, or do you hope to have peace like a pond?

I've been working through Beth Moore's study Breaking Free and I just did about 1.5 hours worth because I could not stop.

My life has been a river and I have found peace like a river for sure!

She used the Bible verses from Isaiah 48:17-18

This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.

Why do I say peace like a river and not a pond? As she pointed out, if we are waiting to find peace when life is calm, still and settled, we will be waiting a long, long time. God does not promise peace like a pond. Rivers are moving and active, over rocks and all kinds of terrain. Our peace from God comes while we have active, exciting lives and even through turmoil and tough times.

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you."

Isaiah 26:3

These past few weeks have been interestingly challenging. As you may know, I definitely felt peace during my time of intestine rupturing and colostomy and 2 surgeries. God provided that peace, not me. He continues to use that in many ways!

But, these past few weeks have been very technologically traumatic!! Our internet has been extremely glitchy. We changed providers, went in to get the router changed and made multiple phone calls. Our cable has been coming and going at will. Our home phone decided to stop working for a week. My sweet husband accidentally flushed the automatic car keys down the toilet! As you can imagine, our time has been busy with fighting fires. I would love to be spending the time working on my On Fire Fit business and other projects, but they all have to wait due to technology that is not behaving!

The interesting thing is the peace that God gives anyway. I say "God, YOU know what needs to get done. I trust that You will provide the way for the necessary things to get done and that the rest will happen in due time." While my hubby and I ran about on Saturday getting new keys made, I realized I get to do this with him! We often are busy doing our own "to-do" list, but I got to do this with him. God has made the way for things to get done as needed, and despite the issues, I feel peace.

I have not always felt that way and sometimes I really have to fight to get my mind on track, but it has come easier and it is only because, as Beth Moore says, "I can't retain a spirit of peace in the present by relying on a relationship from the past. Peace comes from an active, ongoing, and obedient relationship with the Prince of Peace. He wants to feed us with the Living Water of His Holy Spirit and a steady stream of His Word until we have peace like a river.....God desires to feed a peaceful river in your soul."

May you have and feel the peace that passes all understanding. Right here. Right now. Right in the middle of the whitewater river:)

I'll be praying for you,


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