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Clutch One Thing: Him

Good morning!

Sometimes the very thing God created for our good, we use the wrong way and it becomes a stumbling block for us.

The thing that comes to mind for me is food since I coach and teach about healthy eating habits.

It could be any number of other things, though.

Whatever seems to regularly trip you up is likely a twist on what God intended for you.

Reading in Isaiah 44 made this very point clear. He talks about the blacksmith or the carpenter who use the very tools God gave them to shape idols. The blacksmith used the tool to prepare his meal and then also to make an idol.

I know this is very abstract, maybe, but the way I see it is this: the thing intended to be used for our good can quickly be turned against us unless we are careful.

Money is another prime example. God gives us all we need and oftentimes more than we need. But when we clutch it and let it boss us around, it has become an idol.

Clutching anything and letting it cross the line from being a blessing from God to a weapon used against us can happen subtly.

As I prayed about this and what the solution is, I was pulled over to Acts 2:28

You have made known to me the paths of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence.

HE is the only way to be filled with joy. It is in His presence that we get that joy. It will never come from more money, more food, more anything. It is also in that place that we will know the path to life!

I don’t know about you, but that’s what I want!!

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