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Less is More

Good Morning!

I'm sitting here with my journal book that happens to be in front of me with the Bible verse on the cover that I usually breeze right past that says:

"He fills my Life with Good Things...." Psalm 103:5

How very appropriate that I would see that. Let me explain....

The past couple of weeks have been very interesting to me....nothing really looks much different on the outside, I guess, but on the inside I feel a shift.

I had felt the pressing from God to write....I'm not even sure what that means yet....I have yet to do much of that....but in order to be "ready" to sit and write, I felt the need to purge so much excess out of our home, out of the things I'm obligated to do, and just try to get back to basics.

It seems that every which way I turn, the message has been "less is more." I listened to a sermon podcast and the latest sermon I listened to today was on "less is more" with finances. Financial Peace University is coming to our church starting again this week! Last year, Mark and I started this, and although we don't carry a credit card balance and such, we have areas where we can grow (let's not talk about my shoes lol), but alas my intestine ruptured during the series and so we weren't able to complete it at that time.

The Breaking Free Bible study I'm doing personally is on breaking away from the things that hold us back from our deep and personal connection and relationship with God.

Of course, some things I went about intentionally.....organizing YouTube videos and such....coming across the KonMari method wherein you decide whether to keep an object based on whether or not it strikes joy in you and then to thank it for serving it's purpose,You then tell it to go bless someone else if it's purpose is served for you.

That might sound kinda whacky, but I've warmed up to the idea as I've been working on letting go of things that clutter, and helping Lucas to do the same in his room.

What does this have to do with God? So much, in my opinion!!!

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Matthew 16:26).

“The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature” (Luke 8:14).

For me, purging things physically that are cluttering my life and causing stress because of the constant reorganizing of it and the shifting around of junk, is therapeutic. The financial minimalism that can free us up to be able to give more might be hard in the moment, but God gave us a Spirit of self-control and I trust He will help streamline our spending as we are learning to be more diligent. The removing of mental or emotional "baggage" to allow God to fill my life with good things, as the beginning verse mentions, is only done by my willingness to humble myself before God and let Him do the work.

As I take this journey of "Less is More", I find that the things that really matter become so much more obvious. I'm thanking God for His patience and goodness, even when I get lost and distracted.

May you have a blessed Monday!


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